3 man I.T. SPY ring busted in Congress & GOOGLE IT BOSS FIRED FROM WHITE HOUSE! Maria Bartiromo goes Ballistic.- 

Chiefs of staff for dozens of Democratic lawmakers who employed the four were informed last week that a criminal probe was underway into their use of congressional information technology systems, including the existence of an external server to which House data was being funneled, and into the theft of and overbilling for computer equipment.

Brothers Imran, Abid, and Jamal Awan and Hina Alvi, Imran’s wife, each made $160,000 a year as information technology workers for the House. Their salaries and time were shared among dozens of Democratic members, including former Democratic National Committee Chairman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida. The lawmakers also include members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Despite the generous salaries, the four were involved in multiple suspicious mortgage transfers and a debt-evading bankruptcy. Abid had more than $1 million in debts following a failed business called Cars International that he ran in Falls Church, Va., from November 2009 to September 2010. Business associates said in court documents that Abid had stolen money and vehicles from them.

It’s unclear how Abid found time to run an automotive business while working full-time for Congress. He had been on the congressional payroll since 2005. A congressional credit union repossessed two of his personal cars before the business folded.

White House abruptly removes Google chief cybersecurity officer. Saboteur? Phone Call Leaker?

Ex-Google shill employee hired by Obama in 2016

White House suddenly removes chief cybersecurity officer

By Eric Lieberman
Reprinted with permission of the Daily Caller News Foundation

Cory Louie, the White House’s now former chief cybersecurity officer, was reportedly removed from his position.

Louie “was forced to resign,” according to an editor at The Atlantic, who was the first to report his exit, despite initially saying that he was a member of the Secret Service. The story was apparently corroborated by ZDNet, who spoke to unnamed sources on the matter.

When the Trump administration took office, Louie remained at his post, despite several other senior cybersecurity officials resigning.

The White House has not commented on the abrupt and surreptitious purge of Louie. Remaining staff members have stayed quiet (for the most part) because they feel as if they have “targets on their back,” one source told ZDNet.

Former President Barack Obama created the role of Federal Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in 2016 as part of his cybersecurity national action plan. The CISO is tasked with protecting the White House’s staff from virtual threats, while also driving “cybersecurity policy, planning and implementation across the Government.”

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A leaked memo provided an example of Louie’s responsibilities as CISO, which in one instance was to give Obama technical guidance on his communications and ensure that his devices were secure before traveling to Cuba in March of last year.

Prior to working in the White House, Louie worked at Google and Dropbox, a popular file-hosting service, according to ZDNet.

President Donald Trump’s personal cybersecurity practices have been criticized in recent weeks. Trump reportedly uses both his old Android phone and the U.S. Secret-Service-approved secure phone, much to the chagrin of U.S. security officials. (RELATED: How Trump Beats The System And Uses His Old Phone)



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This Man Was Previously Reported To Be A Google Tech But He Says He is Not: